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Our first event - the beginning of an era

Dear readers,

this is our first blog entry. During the following months, we will provide you with interesting, maybe amusing stories about our project "meet 'n' eat". We hope that you will like it and would be pleased to get any stimulus and feedback. Enjoy reading!

The half of our 16-member team that sold snacks during the concert of young soloists.

Unexpected news

When we were told to cater a concert taking place on the 7th of April at our school just two days before, we were thunderstruck.

Having started to discuss what exactly we want to do in our seminar "cooking in the English speaking world" only a week before the holidays, nobody had a precise idea of how the process to finishing our project would look like exactly. Some of the most keen had tried out first recipes they had received from contacts in India, Australia, Canada, the US and England.

Now, all that mattered was providing the "Concert of young soloists", which took part at our school, with some delicious snacks and drinks. Heated discussions were held during classes about who would be responsible for what - flyers had to be made, drinks procured and, most importantly, the food had to be cooked. It were stressful days, but they were worth the effort.

The concert evening

Half of the 16 pupils in our seminar sold snacks on the evening the splendid concert was held, earning quite an amount of cash. Kind of surprisingly, our food seemed to go down a treat. Almost nothing was left and many visitors were all of a flutter to take the recipes of Samosas, Australian meat pies, Victoria cakes and ANZAC cookies home with them. Even the headmaster, Mister Haunschild, was delighted about having us caring for the guest's well-being and thanked us in his closing speech.

Victoria cupcakes

All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening and great experience to organize and sell those exotic party snacks. Special thanks have to go to our coordinating teacher, Mrs Kronthaler, who is a great help when it comes to not only supplying us with ideas but also staying focused on the important things.

We are looking forward to let people taste our food on other events, like the spring concert on the 14th of April. Those events are crucial for our success as creating a cooking book, videos and blogs can be quite costly, especially with regard to our empty student pockets.

See you soon!

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